University of Science and Technology Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Vision System Research Team, Jae-Young LEE March 1, 2016 ~ June 24, 2016 1. Geometry: Vectors - Vector & Scalar & Vector Equality, Addition, and Subtraction - Euclidean Vector - Trigonometry Review - Polar Representation - Dot product & Cross product - Homework #1 - Homework #2 2. Geometry: 공간 도형 - 도형 - 직선의 방정식 - 평면의 방정식 - 부등식의 영역 - 도형의 방정식과 함수 - Homework #3 3. 행렬 연산 - Introduction - Matrices and matrix algebra - Matrices and systems of linear equations 4. 벡터공간, 선형시스템 - Vector Spaces - Basis and Dimension - Rank of a Matrix and Systems of Linear Equations - 기타 선형대수학에서 알아두어야 할 것들 ...